Beautiful Hope: Finding Hope Everyday in a Broken World
We live in a culture that produces hopelessness with astounding consistency. When everything seems chaotic and we are faced with a multitude of negative realities, we might be tempted to say that nothing makes sense anymore. But we are not alone—God walks with us and his lively presence fills us with hope. And so we are able to smile in spite of our difficulties. Despair is defeated because God is among us. Hope does not disappoint!
What gives you hope? What are your hopes and dreams for yourself, your children, your church, your community, your nation? What sustains that hope and turns those dreams into reality? What are some of the unique ways you bring hope to people in your life? The contributors featured in Beautiful Hope offer intensely personal answers to these questions, and their stories will spark your own exploration of hope and increase its abundance in your life.
Today many are worried about the future and what it holds. Many are concerned about the future of our Church. If we are to become people who can shine the light of faith into the darkness of our world, things must change. We need an infusion of hope so we can see more clearly and live boldly as children of God.